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Tiger (Ages 3.5 - 7)

Fridays 4pm OR Fridays 5pm

We don’t stop moving in this class! These are our Movers and Shakers at Shiba TKD! Our Tiger Instructors, experts with this age group, are specially trained to thoroughly understand & appreciate the specifics of how this age group develops, learns, & thrives. We have fun! Lots of fun! At the same time, we teach them the skills that prepare them for a fulfilling & successful Taekwondo journey. We take
very seriously that we are often the first Teachers that your children will have outside of your home. This nurturing, safe environment is carefully and purposefully designed specifically for your Future Tiger!

Shiba Taekwondo CPR Class
Shiba Taekwondo CPR Class
Shiba Taekwondo CPR Class