Top Five Reasons to Enroll Your Child in Martial Arts at Shiba Taekwondo

1. Self Defense

The principals of mental and physical self-defense are needed in the world more than ever. The need for the physical principals goes without saying. The need for the mental principals is often overlooked and we can’t afford to do this with our youth – our future leaders! They need the mental fortitude to stand up for what is right no matter the cost. With purpose, we develop this in them from the first moment they walk onto our mats.

2. Physical & Mental Fitness

Physically Fitness means that we are purposeful to take care of our bodies. Develop good habits. Tackle the bad. Know the difference. Address injuries. Respect yourself enough to care for yourself physically. Our School Owner and Head Instructor is also a Certified Personal Trainer. Not only do our students learn how to do all the above as part of our curriculum, they also gain the lifelong skills and habits necessary to purposefully care for their bodies. We also give them instructors and fellow students to encourage them all along the way! Mental fitness is NOT limited to mental toughness. Our students learn to take care of themselves mentally in life. For example, are they aware that they need to be purposeful to walk away from electronics amid using them, so the electronics don’t achieve a hold on them? Do they know the value of simply sitting outside for 10 minutes with no electronic entertainment? Do they realize, as a young person, where they are spending their mental resources? We are purposeful to make them aware and give them the tools to spend those resources in a worthy way. Mental Fitness.

3. Personal & Professional Martial Arts Curriculum

Our curriculum is not based upon what any other school might do. We aren’t trying to keep up with the Joneses or be a highly profitable belt factory. Instead, we provide a fully developed curriculum from the foundation up with high standards.

We hold each student to their own personal best! We don’t compare your child to other students. We compare your child to their own absolute best!

Even if they arrive at our school thinking they can’t, we help them realize they can, and we are with them as they get there!

With each belt and each skill learned, our students know, without a doubt, that they have persevered through the hard and that they have achieved something that was hard earned and truly earned. There is no satisfaction quite like this and they know it once they experience it for the first time!

4.Positive & Uplifting Peer Friendships

It is extremely important to our parents to know they are dropping their children off in this environment. We provide and fiercely protect a positive and uplifting environment with purposefulness. We do not leave this to chance!

Our students actively show compassion and kindness to their peers in Taekwondo through both the tough and the fun. Both are important!

5. Constructive Goals & Service to Others

We believe in setting goals. Without goals, we’re basically just breathing air. The time is going to pass no matter what! Why not be purposeful with it? We don’t take black belt in one huge step. We take it in little steps. A black belt? They kept coming to class!.

Our students first earn their yellow belt. They worked on little steps to get there. Then they earn their next belt by working on those little steps. And so on.

If you don’t set goals, it’s a fact you’re not going anywhere. We make sure our students are each going somewhere that is beneficial to them personally and that is of great worth.

As we instruct our students, they learn to respect both themselves and others. Both are necessary! This is what a true martial artist does. If we can’t see beyond ourselves to serve others and give back to our community, then we simply aren’t martial artists. We continually provide tangible opportunities to our students to do both! We empower them to know that they can!

Ready to Begin Your Martial Arts Journey? Join Us at Shiba Taekwondo!

Interested in taking your skills to the next level or learning more about martial arts? At Shiba Taekwondo in Clearfield, UT, we offer classes for all ages and experience levels. Whether you’re a beginner, a parent looking for kids’ classes, or an experienced martial artist, our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way.