Why do a Summer Day Camp? Everything about our camp was planned and executed with a PURPOSE! We came alongside our campers’ families to reinforce what families want for their children: confidence, respect for themselves and others, inspiration, high expectations and high standards! We also wanted our campers to fully enjoy being kids for a week!
We invited in modern day heroes to talk to our campers!
A former student who is deaf and blind and not only overcame that on the mats but also in life! She brought her guide dog and our campers learned that at the young age of 15 they can train a puppy to become a service dog and change a life. They learned how to help someone who is blind and/or deaf and what isn’t helpful. They were shocked at the difference between her guide dog Dara with her harness on and off – once it was taken off, Dara was licking faces and asking for pets. When it was on, she was all business. What a valuable lesson for our kids! Our presenter was professional, engaging and upbeat! Another valuable lessons for our kids! Don’t let anything stop you! Figure out a way! Indomitable Spirit!
One of our black belts, only 18, spoke with our campers about her job as an advanced EMT. Not only were they captivated by the details of her work as a first responder, they also learned what they can be doing now and in the future to do the same thing as she’s doing! They were encouraged to do well in their academics and in their character training so they are equipped for anything. What a valuable lesson for our kids!
Two of our youth black belts volunteered their time during camp to teach our campers crafts that gave them tangible things they’d made with their own hands AND skills to build on for a lifetime!
We brought in an expert on paper airplanes and model rockets! A Ph.D. Engineer whom we all fondly called OUR Rocket Scientist. Without even knowing how much they were learning as they worked with their hands, our campers could soon tell you the forces that act upon an airplane and a rocket and what is needed to overcome them. They could put tabs on their paper airplanes to act as rudders, ailerons, and elevators and tell you why it made the difference it made. They learned that someone can know a whole bunch but what’s the use if you can’t pass that on in an understandable way to others? Their Camp Rocket Scientist was a living example of that in all the right ways! They built paper airplanes and their own model rocket with their own hands and understood the purpose behind each step. Spending purposeful time with an expert in their field who can communicate and inspire? This shows our youth that they can do anything! We wanted to empower our campers with the tools and confidence to learn anything. Incredibly, each of our campers successfully launched their rockets the last day of camp. Each rocket launched hundreds of feet into the air when the camper pushed the launch button and each rocket came safely to the ground to be used again!
We all brought in an expert in the field of reptiles. Kids love creatures of the air and field and they listened, learned, observed the desert tortoise and garter snake, and asked oh so many questions! They worked on their self-control as the presenter asked them to hold their questions. What a valuable lesson for our inquisitive, excited kids!
Our campers started each morning and afternoon with a Taekwondo Class. This was purposeful! Exercise your mind and body each day before you move on to other things. Do the hard first! Don’t put it off! Then, fully enjoy and engage in whatever comes next!
Each day, the campers had an hour to just be still and create in whatever way they wanted. They had access to Legos, Littlest Pet Shop Toys, and paper and markers. They each had their own space to stay in. This is becoming a lost art as our schedules become busier and more structured for our kids. After the first day, the campers always wanted reassurance that they would again get this quiet, creative time. We wanted our campers to learn the value of down time. Space to think and just be.
Snacks and meals were eaten and enjoyed together and were purposeful social times for our campers. This too is becoming a lost art!
Our campers learned & lived out respect for others throughout the week. You would be so proud of them! With reminders, they respected one another by keeping a physical distance between one another at all times. This is not what we adults think of as a fun summer camp environment, yet they did it and had as much fun as can be! They also learned resilience – can we still have fun with several feet of distance between all of us? In the midst of a global pandemic? YES WE CAN! Group games were still a favorite!
Our summer camp was not babysitting. Instead we were purposeful to be highly engaging and set high standards and expectations for our campers. They each one championed this and rose up to this!
Summer Camp 2020! Success!